Take a deep breath... and fuck this shit

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Ah, I cannot begin to tell you how good it felt to sit down at the computer and start venting writing again. I felt like I had an "ah-ha" moment. Why did I ever stop this? I need this outlet or I start to develop ulcers from having to deal with the shit.

Around here I have two people I call the shit makers. My mother and sister in laws. We spent thousands of dollars moving the MIL (and the SIL because they were a package deal) from one coast to the other, due to the MIL's failing health.  And in the year that they have been here - the health issues have continued to stack up, so I know we made the right decision - sacrificing a lot so our children will be able to have time with and memories of their grandmother.

(you knew that was coming didn't you! There always has to be a but in there)

OMFG - I am so sick and tired of being taken advantage of.  I feel like these two see us as their own personal source of income. The SIL has not worked in nearly two months. The MIL is on social security. Plus, we have certain bills of theirs that we take care of. (I saw WE, even though my husband is the main bread winner in the house - He works for all the bills, I work very little part time from home for fun money. We are still a united financial front) Besides, the money that we pay out for them every month, every time something new comes up for them the MIL seems to expect my husband to just open up his wallet. When he says "no" she is flabbergasted and does the "woe is me and my health, and I expected more from you - why do you not support me emotionally" bullshit.

I put up with a lot of shit - a LOT OF SHIT (just in case you missed that part) from these two - because I firmly believe that Spock was right when he said "The needs of the many, out weigh the needs of the few". I frequently squash down the resentment, the irritation, and the urge to strangle by reminding myself that all this is for my children - and  for them to have a connection to their family.

So, you, my dear readers will be my outlet in the coming months to avoid saying the shit I really want to say to them.  Lucky you!


Charlotte said...

My fear would be that when dear old MIL finally kicks the bucket that SIL is going to expect you guys to continue on paying for her gravy train.


Celeste said...

Oh, hell to the no! You are a far more tolerant lady than I can ever hope to be.

Tell those bitches you guys developed a gambling problem and blew the money earmarked for them.

Charlotte said...

And that? Is why I love Celeste... seriously. Heavy girl crush here.

Dayle Winnifred said...

The husband has made many comments about not supporting the sister once the mom finally goes. He even has an exit strategy in place. He's a planner, my guy!

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